Use of this website does not create or constitute an attorney-client relationship between James W. Lee III, Attorney at Law and any user.  While James is happy to respond to email inquiries, he reserves the right not to respond to email inquiries.  No email communication is considered confidential until an attorney-client relationship is agreed upon by James and reduced to writing.  Additionally, James will not respond to your specific legal questions until an attorney-client relationship is agreed upon by James and reduced to writing.  Please feel free to call James to set up an appointment to discuss your specific legal questions.  The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and nothing on this website should be considered or construed as legal advice and should not be relied upon by any person.

James W. Lee III

Phone Number and Hours

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A T T O R N E Y    A T    L A W

Phone: (828) 243-5092

Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm
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